Nov. 2022 Pathway along Applewood greenbelt
Winter has arrived in Applewood
Preparing the natural ice rink at Cherry Hill Park (1 of 4)
2021 Holiday Season in Applewood
2021 Holiday Season in Applewood
Applewood Homes Ready for Halloween

Tree & Shrub Planting Day at Cedarbrook Park

Sept. 25, 2021- AHHRA's 2nd annual tree & shrub planting day at Cedarbrook Park with 125 trees & shrubs planted. Thank you to all who joined!

Pollinator Gardens in Applewood
Created by Zenia.
Pollinator house

Thank you to Zenia for sharing this beautiful video or her Pollinator Garden in Applewood!

More beautiful gardens in Applewood! Thank you to Zenia!
Giant Silk Moths in our neighbourhood
In the early spring we noticed a large brown cocoon on the bottom of our lamp post. We identified it as a giant silk moth (Cecropia) so we installed a temporary cage so we could see it emerge.
We left it in the cage overnight so the local children could see it and will be letting it go later today (apparently it is best to release them in the late evening). Meanwhile overnight, a male found the female (we saw her ejecting a stream of pheromones yesterday) and this morning they are mating
These are the largest native moths in North America. Beautiful creatures.

More on the Giant Silk Moth from photos above. Thank you again to Stan & Gill!

Spring & Summer Greetings from Applewood residents!

Spring & Summer Greetings from Applewood residents!

Message from Applewood Children
Thank you!
Flowers along Tomken

If you would like to share photos from your garden and/or from scenes in the Applewood Hills & Heights community, please email photos by using this website's Contact page for their review and posting in this Gallery.