Rat Sightings and Concern in Applewood - August 11th, Community Meeting with Region of Peel & City of Mississauga staff
This Tuesday, August 11th from 7pm - 8:30 pm a virtual meeting will be held to discuss the rat sightings and rat problem that is happening in the Applewood area.
There are over 40 residential properties that have been and continue to be affected by this serious problem for several months now in this area.
This meeting is with the Region of Peel and City of Mississauga's executive staff members which include Director of Health Louise Aubin, Dr. Lawrence Loh, Councillor Fonseca, Director of Enforcement Sam Rogers and others.
A Region of Peel staff member will be moderating this meeting.
If you would like to join this meeting, please reply to this email so that complete access to this virtual meeting along with the agenda will be emailed to you.
There is also the option of joining the meeting via phone and this can/will be sent to you if you prefer this option.
Please feel free to share this information with other neighbours and/or friends who you feel would be interested in joining this important meeting for our community and overall in Mississauga as surely other communities in the city have rat concerns.
Should you have any questions about any of the above, please email the applewoodresidents@gmail.com or go to the Contact tab of this website to submit your question and/or comment.
Thank you!
Positivity & Kindness in the Applewood Community!
This week's project for Emma’s religion class at St Thomas More was to 'Ignite Hope' in the community by painting hope rocks. Come see them on Ivernia Road. We hope everyone is staying healthy and safe!
July 2, 2020 - City of Mississauga Noise Control Program Review, Update
Dear Applewood Residents,
In January 2020 and March 2020 we provided our members with an update on the City of Mississauga's Review to revise the Noise Control by-laws with a summary of this process also available on this website by scrolling down on this page to update below dated March 1, 2020..
It has now been learnt that the opportunity for this review to be presented at the General Committee for discussion and then to Council meeting for vote and possible approval will not happen in this order due to changes that have happened at the City of MIssissauga because of covid-19.
What is happening is that this Noise Control Program Review Report will now go directly to the Council Meeting taking place this Wednesday, July 8th, 2020 and will be presented with a recommendation made for it to be voted on for approval.
This is very important and all residents should be aware of what this Noise Control Program Review includes as it definitely affects all residents of Mississauga.
To view the July 8th council meeting's agenda and to read this iimportant review please go to https://www7.mississauga.ca/documents/committees/council/2020/2020_07_08_Council_Agenda_REVISED.pdf
This Noise Control Program Review is item # 12.8. in the agenda.
This item 12. 8 is available in the agenda on pages 263 to 315.
On pages 312 - 315 a summary of the community consultation meeting held in our area at the Tomken Arena with a summary of what was discussed with feedback and concerns presented by the attendees.
Also, please view pages 332 - 333 to view the tables outlining the current by-laws and the proposed changes.
This review is worth viewing as it covers how the new Noise Control Program will be moving forward in the City of MIssissauga should Council members vote for its approval this coming Wednesday.
For all residents of Mississauga who have questions, concerns or feedback on this important review that will impact all of us in some way it is suggested you connect with your local rate-payers association, and/or Ward Councillor, and/or Mayor of Mississauga to give your input.
April 27, 2020 - Region of Peel work on Bloor Street between Tomken & Queen Frederica
You will notice construction work being done on Bloor Street from Tomken to Queen Frederica.
The Region of Peel's work on the water component which included water system replacements and transfers that began in the late fall 2019 has completed.
Now, they are now finalizing this project with the road and sod restoration.
This work is projected to be completed by May 15, 2020.
April 26, 2020 Support Programs for Seniors from the Region of Peel
The Region of Peel offers a variety of programs for seniors. To view the latest list prepared by the Region of Peel, please go to
April 7, 2020 - Region of Peel Update on Watermain Replacement in Applewood neighbourhood
Dear Applewood Residents,
For information on the Region of Peel's watermain replacement happening on Parthia Crescent, Argus Drive and Franconia Drive please go to the following link:
Unfortunately, due to the Covid-19 crisis, door-to-door notifications were not made via hard copies to the residents on these streets. This electronic link noted above will be updated with more notices as we move further into the project.
Please share this information with your neighbours if you reside on any one of these three streets.
March 1, 2020 - City of Mississauga, Noise By-Law Review Update
Dear Applewood Residents,
The city's Noise Control By-Law Review community consultations and target group sessions have now ended. The final day to complete the online Noise Review survey was Saturday, February 29th, 2020. ( As was also previously noted on the AHHRA website in the request for all residents to complete this survey.)
Below is a brief summary of the Noise Review Consultation process as was made known to the public from the City's information page at: https://yoursay.mississauga.ca/noise-control?tool=survey_tool
There were 6 separate community consultations held at various locations in the City of Mississauga during the month of January 2020 from 6 - 8 pm. The attendance at the above 6 sessions was not very high unfortunately; except for the session in Port Credit.
At two of the sessions there were @ 5 residents at each, at other there were @ 8, at one there were no attendees and in Port Credit there were well over 100 people who attended.
The purpose of these gatherings was to reach out to the public and inform them of the plans to review and revise the existing city's noise and nuisance by-laws and to ask for public input on what they (the public) view as the main noise nuisances/ concerns and to share ideas/input on how to improve in the revision of these by-laws.
The presentation that was shown at the Tomken Arena community consultation can be viewed by opening the attachment to this email. Following this power-point presentation, the discussion took place followed by a question and answer period. Additional points that were noted at this session were the noise nuisances of power machines/equipment, shouting and swearing. Attendees also expressed the need for more quiet hours in the neighbourhoods. Finally, concern was expressed that when the online survey was completed and submitted there was no indication/confirmation of it being successfully sent. The City staff replied that these points would be considered and looked into.
In addition to these 6 community sessions, there were 3 target group sessions during the first 2 weeks of February. These target groups were for the Ratepayer Associations, the Construction companies and the BIA's. These 3 sessions were again for about 1.5 - 2 hours. Attendance for these was @ 6 people at the RA, 3 at the Construction session and @ 10 at the BIA one.
As was told to attendees at the ratepayer's session in early February:
By that time there were 2,815 submitted online surveys.
From the submitted surveys as well as from the overall responses given by residents from the community consultations, the major noise concerns to most residents come from construction, traffic and fireworks. And, approximately 58% of these online surveys that had been submitted by that time, it was recorded that residents do not support construction hours to be permitted on Sundays.
Online surveys: There is no final date provided by the City for online survey submissions however, after asking about this, we were informed that February 29th was going to be the final day to complete the online survey. Once the online surveys have been received and the community and target group consultations sessions completed, all input would be considered and a proposed revised Noise by-law will be presented to the City Councillors at a General Committee Meeting for discussion.
No date has been provided yet as to when this will be.
Once it has been addressed and discussed at the General Committee meeting by Councillors with City staff and any proposed changes that need to be made are addressed and completed, it will again be presented to City Councillors for their final approval/vote.
From what is known to date, this process is projected to be completed by May 2020. Any updates to the above will be shared with AHHRA members.
All residents are welcome attend and participate in the City of Mississauga's Noise Control By-Law Review Community Consultation. This very important session is one of 9 happening in Mississauga. It is taking place on Thursday, January 30th, 2020 at the Tomken Twin Arena located on 4495 Tomken Road from 6 pm - 8 pm. Come to give your input on the proposed changes to the City's Noise by-law. For more information and to also complete the online survey, go to https://yoursay.mississauga.ca/noise-control
Peel Police Bulletin on Missing Person in Applewood area
January 12th, 2020
The matter below has been resolved. The local resident was found.
January 7, 2020
The following matter has been shared with us from one of our members regarding a missing person bulletin issued by the Peel Police yesterday Jan. 6, 2020.
Please open the following link for complete information on this bulletin as well as contact information:
Thank you to our member for sharing this information.
It is hoped this matter will be resolved very quickly and the person is safe and found.
Noise Control Engagement - Public Input Opportunity
December 16, 2019
From the The City of Mississauga: Public Input Required regarding Noise Control Review:
Please go to the link to the Noise Control engagement webpage and online survey which is now live and can be accessed at: https://yoursay.mississauga.ca/noise-control
November 6, 2019 - Update from the Region of Peel
The Region of Peel has provided an update on the Phase 2 work being done for the Cawthra Rd. Sanitary Sewer and Watermain - Residents.
November 4, 2019 Projects: 18-2252 and 15-1345
We have started construction of the Cawthra Rd. Sanitary Sewer and Watermain, Phase 2. This is part of the Region of Peel’s multi-phased project to reduce basement flooding by diverting wastewater flow away from areas prone to surcharging, expand sanitary sewer capacity, and upgrade the water system capacity and reliability.
The scope of the Phase 2 project includes:
Installing 1500mm (5 feet) diameter sanitary sewer on Cawthra Rd from Burnhamthorpe Rd E to Bloor St, by tunnelling.
Installing 1200mm (4 feet) diameter sanitary sewer on Bloor St W from Mississauga Valley Blvd to Cawthra Rd, by tunnelling.
Installing smaller diameter sanitary sewers and watermains along various adjacent streets, by the open cut method.
Construction started in November 2019 and will be substantially completed by January 2021.
We will manage traffic to minimize disruption to vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians.
Regular working hours will be 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday to Friday. We may extend working hours for tunneling activities.
It is our goal to let you know 48 hours (2 days) in advance if we need to shut off your water. Occasionally, we may have to reduce this notice to 24 hours.
All roads and streets within the project limits will always remain open to traffic; however, we may need to temporarily reduce traffic to a single lane during some portions of work.
Due to construction activities, we may need to block your driveway for a short time. We will contact you before we do this to arrange for the best time and for alternate access, if needed.
On-street parking will be reduced during construction.
We will have to remove some trees along the construction route. We will replace these trees and restore landscaping when we have finished the work.
Noise level: Medium, some vibrations might be felt.
Contractor: Technicore Underground Inc. Site Inspector: Cole Engineering Group Ltd.
Any questions or concerns about this notice can be directed to:
Sandra LeFaucheur, Project Ambassador
Public Works 416-457-3889 V-01-158 08/06
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Sandra LeFaucheur, Project Ambassador, at 416-457-3889 or by email at Sandra.lefaucheur@peelregion.ca
September 2019
Construction on Bloor Street from Tomken Road to Queen Frederica
The Region of Peel will be working on Bloor Street from Tomken Road to Queen Frederica this fall for watermain replacement and improvements. This project is scheduled to complete @ mid December 2019 pending on weather and other unexpected factors.
To read the Region of Peel's Resident Public Notice for this project, please click here: https://www.peelregion.ca/pw/construction/miss/171310C.htm
May 24, 2019
Federal Elections to be held on October 21, 2019
For complete and up-to-date information for our electoral district please go to the Elections Canada website at https://www.elections.ca/Scripts/vis/EDInfo?L=e&ED=35059&EV=99&EV_TYPE=6&PC=L4Y2M3&PROV=ON&PROVID=35&QID=-1&PAGEID=21
May 15th, 2019
The Region of Peel has changed its Garbage Exemption Dates. To read about these changes visit click on the following link https://peelregion.ca/waste/Garbage-Exemption-Dates utm_source=wastelist&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=garbage_exemption
Aprile 2019 - Region of Peel, Silverthorn Pumping Station
Update from the Region of Peel's website:
~ Phase 1 construction will start this spring and is anticipated to take two years and be completed by the summer of 2021. It is anticipated the reservoir expansion (Phase 2) will start immediately after the pumping station expansion work is complete.
~ Working Hours Construction will normally take place between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday to Friday. If we must work outside these hours, we will let you know.
To view the complete update from the Region of Peel as well as contact information for this project happening in our community located at 881 Bloor Street (just west of Tomken Road on the north side) please go to http://www.peelregion.ca/pw/construction/miss/151940.htm